Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Goddess you Smell Good

Smell like a Goddess all day by placing your fragrance in all the rights places!! Here are some tips for wearing fragrance.

1.  Place your favorite  fragrances where you body emits heat or your pulse points. By doing this your body will warm the fragrance and naturally emit for favorite perfumes and oils. These places will leave your scent as your move throughout the day. 

2.  For everyday apply fragrance to your neck and wrist. 

3.  When applying your scent to the wrist do not touch your wrist together. Simply allow the fragrance to air dry. By doing this you will not "break the fragrance" and your scent will also last longer throughout the day.

4.  In certain settings your scent is an experience so...The cleavage and decolletage, behind the knees, upper inner thigh and ankles a great places for the ultimate Goddess Experience! Of course behind the ears, give someone a special treat as the whisper something sweet in your ear!

5.  Avoid using too much, one or two sprays in each point is plenty, especially if you are using a parfum.

6.  Skip spraying your clothes, you may not want your entire laundry load smelling like your last fragrance choice. You can  mist your scarves, wraps and pashmina for a hint of scent.

Hope this helps you get the most of you favorite yummy scents! Currently I'm loving Gucci Guilty, which was among the top sellers in 2012. What scents are your loving right now?

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Very helpful tips! Especially #3 about rubbing your wrists together.
