Thursday, January 3, 2013

Salad to Sexy Challenge

Challenge Time:  Salad to Sexy
Let’s start the year with a good healthy living & Healthy eating challenge! This summer I saw the idea of a salad challenge on Facebook by Hadiya Barbel, She’s an amazing hair designer check out her Facebook page! I mentioned so some of my girl friends and they wanted to give it a try so here we go!  Of course I’m going to put my Goddess Spin on it!

Our challenge will be to feed our bodies some good fruits and vegetables! This will also act as a mini cleanse and help with belly fat.  We know that fruits and veggies are water based and cleanse our bodies with ease. Remember your appearance is 80% what you eat and 20% exercise. I am happy to say that I am living proof of that! I lost 60lbs slowly over at 6-7 month period just by changing my eating habits and being conscious of what I chose to put into my body. This challenge will be 10 days in length!

Here are the Guidelines:
January 10th – 20, 2013
Salads: traditional salads, Fruit and veggie salads
Avoid heavy or creamy salad dressings choose light dressing like Italian, oil and vinegar, poppy seed, balsamic vinaigrettes.
Cheese and crotons are now welcomed here!
Don’t forget toppings like granola raisins and nuts like almonds, walnuts, pine nuts and sunflowers seeds, but use them in moderation. Nuts can be tricky because the can be heavy in oils.
Remember portion control! Portion control was also part of how I shed my extra pound, I know it’s yummy but if you are full you should stop eating!
You may add lean meats like turkey and chicken for protein. Nothing fried all grilled or baked!
Let’s do water only! Let’s make it fun and have fruit infused water with our salads!

Check out some Recipes here with
And my old faithful
Who’s in?! Comment below with your name and social media information so we can connect and what you think about the challenge!
Ex. Sherita Twitter: PerfectlyPretty Instagram: PerfectlyPretty8 Blogger: GoddessGrind I’m super excited to get “Fine for the Spring Time”
Also I’ve added an event on Facebook let’s celebrate with a meet up at Sweet Tomatoes!!/events/336515503127455/

Ex. Sherita Twitter: PerfectlyPretty Instagram: PerfectlyPretty8 Blogger: GoddessGrind I’m super excited to get “Fine for the Spring Time”


  1. YAY Sounds like fun and I need the disipline so im all in.... all my social media is the same which is my name, Teonykkia Starr whether its FB, Twitter, Youtube or Instagram. I also have

  2. Can't wait to start lovey! I got both posts on IG and FB!

  3. I'm in! Twitter account - @TamikoBrooks

  4. My sis and i are going to do it.

    She invited me

  5. I'm in hun! twitter: Frosong, Instagram, Facebook and Blogspot: gurlishcurls

  6. YAY I'm glad! This is gonna be great we finna be fiiiiiinnnne yall! LOL

  7. I'm In!! @TheSistahChick on Twitter. TheSistahChick on YT. TheSistahChick on Instagram and (you know me on my personal FB) Me AND Hubby doing it and a few other fam!! Lets Go!! Love you Sis!!
